Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday fridge love and weekly update

Just heard from our long suffering SS (who suffers from incessant messages from me regarding this crazy building process..) with a weekly update.

Seems there are lots of little things needing to be rectified at the house which are holding up lots of other little things.

A window in the powder room needs to be moved, which is holding up the fixing of the architraves, which is holding up the tilers.

We are waiting on more fixing materials, due to be delivered Monday.

A few doors are missing/incorrect - more waiting.

The kitchen window needs to have the gyprock finished off so the tilers can tile around it.

The master bedroom balcony cant be waterproofed until the cladding/boards are fixed to the walls (which in turn is holding up the tiling!)..

As I was on the phone our SS was waiting to meet the fixing carpenter on site - the one with the dodgy wisdom teeth perhaps??

He assured me the painter would be there next week, and that the tilers would be back soon too (but I am guessing they dont work in tandem due to the dust from cutting tiles? Unless one works upstairs, one down?).

So HOPEFULLY when I get back from Bali the fixing and painting (undercoat) will be finished - not sure I am hopeful the tiling will be done however..

At least our SS gets a break from my calls next week!!

I have shown incredible restraint and decided NOT to go by the house since Tuesday - in fact I was almost trying to ignore the fact that it was there, in order to de-stress before my trip :)

Last but not least I thought I would post some pics of my new love - our lovely big LG French Door Fridge!

Cant wait to move into that baby!!

Oh, one more thing - remember this?

My lovely husband gave it to me for Christmas (among other things!) and after a false start with a faulty one I now have a gorgeous one just like the above in my possession and waiting for a big new bed to live on!

Happy Friday!!


  1. Wow so many problems. Which could be avoided if you had the right supervisor assigned. Doesn't seem like this guy knows what he's doing if he keeps making mistakes. Not what you want to hear, I know a friend that also built with Meticon and demanded a new SS. In the end they ended up with 3 supervisors during their build. Which also took a long time to complete the build.

    I liked to visit my new home everyday because it was on may to work, all in all it would probably add 2mins to my commute, not including the time it took me to look over the house when I did visit.

    Woohoo for the painting, whenever that get's done, it will be very fast once paintings completed.

    Enjoy your trip, you are making everyone on the main land very jealous

  2. OMG Shayne..we also have the same fridge!!! hahahahaha :P Only difference is ours has different

  3. Tonia - LOL! Great minds :)

    Jay I think a lot of the issues aren't really the fault of our SS. Lots of those things are delivery delays and supplier problems, although I don't know why the gyprockers didn't finish the kitchen window when they were there last week - or why the waterproofers didn't do the balcony the first time they came - OR why the carpenter hasn't finished off the master balcony yet.. Basically most of this week has been a write off which is frustrating - because even though we are still well within the contract time all these idle days are just a waste!

  4. I have the link to that bed cover in my 'favourites' list. Is it as beautiful in real life? Hope the build keeps moving along for you. We are hoping for a start with Metricon next week...How long after signing off on the construction drawings did it take for them to be onsite?

  5. newbuild - it is gorgeous! Its really soft jersey cotton which I wasn't expecting for some reason!
    We signed off on our drawings on Friday 27th August, excavation started the following Tuesday - August 31st!! Good luck with your build - which home are you building? Are you in Sydney too?

  6. The build delays are getting very frustrating. What a nice husband you have there Shayne. Lovely lovely colour, sure it will look fab on the new big bed.
    We have a new bed waiting delivery too, can't wait for the sleep ins in that.
    Enjoy Bali, very jealous:)

  7. Fabulous fridge! Funnily enough I was looking at fridges today too and very nearly got one (a Samsung twin door) but we're currently living outside their delivery area and figured we'll just get it closer to the time and hunt around for some good deals.

    Hope lots of your issues are solved by the time you return from Bali (hugely jealous!)

  8. Thanks Sandrine - looking very forward to a break - its been a long time and the last holiday I had I was 25 weeks pregnant so that modifies things somewhat! Just me and two friends so it should be lovely!

    Karla I have been stalking fridges for AGES! And I kept coming back to the LF French Door so I knew it was the one I wanted - LOL.
